Do not apply to non-metallic body fillers or simulated wood grain siding.
Caution: New vehicles or repainted surfaces may contain uncured paint, which can be damaged by magnetic signs.
Allow adequate time for paint to cure, or harden, before applying any type of magnetic signs.
Pick an inconspicuous spot to test for compatibility with the bonding surface.
Apply the magnetic sign to smooth, flat, metallic surfaces only. Avoid sharp contours, vehicle moldings & chrome strips.
ENTIRE SIGN MUST STICK TO VEHICLE AND BE FREE OF AIR POCKETS to prevent loss of the sign in high wind conditions.
REMOVE YOUR SIGN WEEKLY to clean and dry both the vehicle and your sign. To clean, use a soft cloth with warm water and a mild cleanser. Both sides of the magnetic should be free from dirt and moisture.
Sand and dirt trapped between the sign and the vehicle magnify and show through to the sign face.
We recommend waxing the vehicle at least 24 hours before applying signs to allow the wax to cure.
Neglecting to clean your sign and the vehicle on a regular basis may cause damage to the vehicle or result in losing your sign while driving at highway speeds.
We recommend that you store your magnetic signs flat while they are not in use.
Options for quick and easy storage: Adhere to metal filing cabinet, refrigerator door, washer or dryer.
DO NOT place anything on top of or underneath your magnetic sign.